
Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.
— Attributed to John Wesley, Founder of the Methodist Movement

Alex Tracy, PhD

I am Alex Tracy, a Communications Expert with a PhD focused on developing organizational culture through strategic communication. With 14 years of leadership experience, I excel in crafting communication strategies that foster robust organizational cultures and engage diverse communities effectively.

Empowering Organizations Through Strategic Communication

My professional journey began with extensive leadership roles in pastoral ministry, where I mastered executive-level support and community outreach strategies. During this time, I led strategic orientations and communication campaigns that resonated deeply across various audiences. I managed significant projects, directed dynamic teams, and collaborated with boards and denominational offices to create impactful community programs.

Transitioning from pastoral ministry, I now dedicate my expertise to helping leaders and organizations excel in today's dynamic environment. My approach emphasizes the strategic use of communication to not only convey messages but also to weave them into the fabric of organizational culture, thereby enhancing engagement and inclusivity.

Human-Centered Consulting and Development

I specialize in human-centered consulting, leveraging communication as a tool to strengthen connections within and outside organizations. My work involves partnering with purpose-driven entities to design strategies that prioritize human interactions and cultural coherence. This focus helps organizations achieve their goals while fostering an environment of inclusion and collaboration.

Beyond Professional Pursuits

Outside of my professional life, I cherish time with my family, engage in crossword puzzles, and indulge in strategic games like Magic: The Gathering. I like things that engage my mind while also letting me have fun with my family and friends.

My Values

I'm deeply passionate about harnessing the transformative power of communication and language to articulate inspiring visions for the future. Through a blend of strategic communications and purpose-driven initiatives, I collaborate with clients to achieve their professional aspirations while collectively working towards a more just, inclusive, and community-centered world. Central to my approach is a commitment to empathy, close listening, and honoring the unique perspectives of every individual, ensuring that relationships are strengthened alongside organizational impact.

I’m committed to both helping my clients achieve their goals and being a force for good. My work is grounded in the belief that personal relationships are the foundation for an ethical approach to consulting. While moving and working in a pluralistic and largely secular workspace, I do so bringing with me the ethical commitments and values that have been shaped by my own personal vocational history, including my involvement in pastoral ministry. Those values include…

  • A deep dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in both the workplace and society that is achieved through dialogue and advocacy across race, religion, sexuality, gender orientation, class, age, ability, and neurotype.

  • Promoting sustainable solutions that encourage flourishing communities not just for today, but for the future, as well.

  • The highest ethical standards that are both people-centered and truth-telling.

Contact Me

Want to Work Together?

I believe that building lasting relationships is the foundation for better business and a better world. Let’s talk about how I can help you make an impact deeper than your bottom line.